Product Education

How to Pay for Netflix with Bitnob Virtual Card

Olayemi Oni
4 min read
How to Pay for Netflix with Bitnob Virtual Card

Learn the steps to set up and link your Bitnob virtual card to pay securely on Netflix and enjoy an uninterrupted viewing experience.

Netflix has transformed how we consume entertainment, rapidly becoming a household name in the streaming sector. It has developed a reputation for providing limitless hours of binge-worthy films, TV series, and originals by offering a diverse range of genres and personalized recommendations.

In 2023 so far, Netflix has over 232.5 million paid subscribers worldwide. As the popularity of Netflix continues to soar, finding a convenient and secure payment method becomes essential. This is where the Bitnob virtual card steps in – a cutting-edge payment solution that offers an alternative to traditional credit or debit cards.

The Bitnob virtual card has been designed to provide you with improved security and control over your transactions. With Bitnob virtual card, you can make online payments, including Netflix subscriptions. This article will explore how to pay for Netflix with a Bitnob virtual card and enjoy a seamless viewing experience.

Setting Up a Bitnob Virtual Card

To start using Bitnob virtual card for Netflix payments, you'll need to create an account. This is simply by downloading Bitnob from the Appstore or Playstore, verifying your account, and funding your wallet. Then you can proceed to create your virtual card by following the easy step-by-step guide below ;

  • Tap on “Cards” on the Quick Links section of the homepage
  • Click on “Create a new virtual card"
  • If you’ve not done your KYC, you’ll be requested to complete your KYC.
  • Customize your card by giving it a name and changing the color you prefer.
  • Enter the amount you want to fund your card with then tap on “Next Create Card”. You can top up a minimum of $3 and a maximum of $5,000.
  • Personalize your card then tap on ‘Next - Confirm your transaction pin’
  • Enter your transaction pin

Voila! You’ve successfully created your virtual Visa dollar card and funded it. 


Voila! You’ve successfully created your virtual dollar card and funded it. It’s now all set and ready to be used to make payments.

Linking Bitnob Virtual Card to Netflix

After funding your Bitnob virtual card, it's time to link it to your Netflix account as a payment method. Follow these steps to complete the process;

  • Log in to your Netflix account: Visit the Netflix website and sign in to your account using your details.


  • Go to Account Settings: Navigate to your account settings by clicking on your profile icon and selecting "Account" from the dropdown menu.


  • Payment options: Under the "Membership & Billing" section, click on "Manage payment info".  
  • Add Bitnob virtual card: Select the option to add a new payment method and add payment information which includes your Bitnob card number, expiration date, and CVV code  
  • Save and verify: Save the changes and follow any additional verification steps, if prompted, to ensure the successful addition of your Bitnob virtual card as a payment method.

With your Bitnob virtual card successfully linked to Netflix, you can now make payments for your subscriptions hassle-free. If you have further questions about the Bitnob virtual card, click here to get your answers.

Tips for Managing Your Bitnob Virtual Card 

  • Make sure your Bitnob card has sufficient funds to cover your monthly Netflix subscription fee. Monitor your card balance regularly and top-up funds if necessary to avoid card termination after several failed attempts.  
  • If there are any changes to your card details, such as expiration date or billing address, make sure to update the information in your Netflix account promptly.

Use Bitnob’s Virtual Dollar Card on Other International Platforms!

You can use your card on various streaming platforms, not just Netflix. There is the convenience of securely making payments on platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, and more.  

Now that you have a Bitnob virtual card, you can also use it to make online purchases on Aliexpress, Shein, eBay, etc.

Ready to be limitless with the Bitnob virtual dollar card? Get started by downloading Bitnob today!