With our ticketing service, you can now host online events and accept fast and instant payments from any part of the world using Bitcoin and Lightning.
For the past month, we have been working on very exciting features, and one of them is our ticketing platform. We understand the need to be able to reach a larger demographic for your events and make sure each process of your event is smooth. So we designed a platform that allows you to sell tickets with ease to any part of the world and get it settled in any of our supported local currencies.
With our ticketing service, you can now host online events and accept fast and instant payments from any part of the world using Bitcoin and Lightning. So there is no need for your business to be situated in the US for you to be able to market to the US demographic, and nor do you have to worry about getting payments from another country.
We handle everything from a payment system to issuing tickets to your guests. Tickets don't have to be saved or downloaded as they are easily accessible via email and issued immediately after the sale.
How Does it Work?
Creating an event takes 3 steps:
A. Visit the Dashboard, and Go to the Tickets tab
B. Click on the "Create a ticket" button and fill in the Event Details. Details required for an Event Include:
- Name
- Amount
- Number of Seats
- Date of Events
- Tickets Start and End Date
C. After filling in all the necessary information, click on "Save”, and you're good to go. Sales for the ticket begin on the date set. The link can be copied from the "Preview Link" Button.
What is the User Flow?
The User flow is done in seconds. After a User clicks on the link to the ticket sales, They send in the information needed on the ticket, and payment details are generated.
Immediately after payment, a ticket is generated and displayed. It is also sent as a mail to the guest email.
There you have it, how to sell and Buy tickets using Bitnob.