Product Release

Introducing Bitnob Account Statements

Bitnob Team
Bitnob Team
2 min read
Introducing Bitnob Account Statements

You can now get a summary of all your transactions over a specified period of time from your USD and BTC wallets on Bitnob.

You know how you get to see your bank account statements? But what if you can do the same on Bitnob?

In the past, you get to see all your recent transactions from both your USD wallet and your BTC wallet, but you were not able to see a summary of all your transactions over a specified period of time. 

Introducing Bitnob Account Statements! With this new feature, you can get a full summary of all your USD and BTC transactions in an exportable document. You can now have a PDF document that you can use to show as proof of funds when you want to do your visa applications and any other circumstance that requires an account statement. 

That means when you want to apply for a visa and you are able to download your account statements from your Bitnob app. 

The Bitnob account statement gives you the opportunity to view all the transactions that happened in your USD wallet and BTC wallet over a period of time including all past transactions you did on the app.

How cool is that?

How to Request Your Account Statement

  • Tap on your profile image at the left corner of your homepage on Bitnob and Tap on Account Statement.


  •  Select Wallet and set ‘From this date’ and ‘To this date’.

Account Statement (from & to).png  
Voila! Your account statement will be sent to your email.

Account Statement is being processed.png  
Want to try out the Bitnob Account Statement feature? Click here to start today.